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A member registered Jul 15, 2021

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AH! God I feel stupid now, thanks! I did notice i could drag things but it didnt occur to me to drag into that one spot

Hello! I encountered a problem in this build, I can't seem to put on my equipment, it just doesn't register my clicks and I can't progress on the game since Killigan cant go out naked on town...

Thanks and I did in fact, although I must admit it was by complete accident haha.

Now that I finished the vn and got all the achievements I decided to share my thoughts.
The writing is superb, the world building is nice, the way how I went from not caring to Asterion to literally kill if anyone dared to hurt him so much it physically pained me to do the ruthless route for the achievements (I needed to mentally prepare myself for it).
I'm glad the ruthless route wasn't too fucked up but still portrayed how awful things could have been and explored how traumatized the poor bull is since we can't really tell much from the good route (at least if you're pursuing a romance with him like I did every chance I could), also the big revelations! I'm extremely curious as to where the vn will dive from here and I have high expectations! Thank you so much for this amazing experience.
Now I have some questions that I've been meaning to ask.
Is the mc going to stay as a "no face" self insert? If I have to be honest I'd much rather prefer if they were an established character but this isn't something that bothers me to the point it makes the vn not enjoyable, just curious if you guys considered making them an actual character (or just give the option to choose between self insert or using the "canon" one)
I vaguely remember reading something about being able to matchmake characters eventually, are we gonna be able to make the other guests fall in love with each other? Or they're just gonna develop romance alone? I'm saying this because Luke and Kota already seem really interested into each other (Not that I complain because they're cute as fuck together so I'm totally fine with that)
Final question, I'm psure it's obvious that we will get an Asterion sex scene eventually but what about the others? If the matchmake thing is included would that mean there would be a lot of sex scene variations?
Again thank you so much for this vn, I will continue to recommend it to my friends whenever possible this was an amazing experience <3

Picture not related btw


Thanks I managed to 100% achievements the game finally :), I admit it didnt even cross my mind to do that.

Does anyone know how to get the secret achievement between Best boy and My little bletchley  park? It's pmuch the only achievement left for me but I dont have the slightlest idea on how to unlock it

Does anyone know how to access the anthill in hinterlands? I swear Ive been trying to find that place and its one of the few achievements i'm missing.

Can we marry Asterion in the next build this is a very important question

1. This post is from 4 days ago give it a rest already
2. Congrats on missing the whole point of my post
3. Having all of these "real things" aren't an excuse to romanticize them which is what Im complaining about! I already read way more fucked up things than this that I had absolutely no problem about it because they werent trying to make it look like a good thing my dude, something this vn  does a little more than Id like
4. No i didnt expect them to have high ethical values, what I didnt expect was to have the writer itself constantly calling the women in there "females" and calling vulgor "black male" while making mc constantly excuse his abuses and Ranok trying to act like his village is not as bad as it seems. I hope this clears up and some of you stop saying as if I wanted this vn to be absolutely perfect and dont have any problematic subjects, you can have these in your stories anytime you want but romanticizing them is already bad taste.

I'm gonna reply all at once here because you two seem to be the only reasonable people here so far.
About the comment

"I’m not the only one that sees that slavery and racism (in this case more specism or something but bear with me) are themes that are present and that doesn’t make the vn pro slavery and racist right? Topics are touched upon to go against them too, right?"

You are correct! I should have stated that in my own comment so forgive me if it sounded like I'm saying the creator or this vn screams that racism/specism is good, what I'm saying is that there's a lot, a LOT of them in this vn. And most of them feel extremely unecessary most of the time, I'm not saying the creator of this is racist or anything like that but I just think somethings need to be thought carefully before releasing it to the public.

Basically what I see is that there's a lot of VERY sensitive topics thrown out of the window without a careful revision, some characters there make mistakes yes but it just gets so out of handle for me sometimes that it just leaves a bad taste as to "Did the author seriously think this through before posting this?"

Also sorry but I have to disagree on the part that this is not romanticized, I already read way too many stories to tell when someone is romanticizing something, the whole deal with Caelan falling in love with Ranok despite his whole slave situation is something for me that will never make sense it just felt too rushed, even with Ranok trying to make things right later, he kept flirting with Caelan all the time so what did he think this is what was gonna lead up to?

Again, if you like the story, good! You both made valid points and I thank you for having the time to answer me, I don't think this vn is for me so this is probably my last reply, hope you all have a nice day.


What a very constructive comment, thank you hope you have a nice day!

Time? I literally played the entire build and it lasted for more than 4 hours I don't think it will get any better than this, if you're black and you didn't feel offended congrats! That doesn't change my opinion at all, thanks for calling me an idiot it shows how mature you are.

Okay I literally made an account just to post this comment because im genuinely confused, before I start yes this is a critique comment and no I'm not a "hater" or a "troll", I just want answers because I feel like I'm missing something, I saw that a lot of people like this vn so I just want to know WHAT you guys like about it because my experience with this has been far from enjoyable.

Starting with the mc, I don't think there's a better word to explain him other than being insane, he is a literal slave in that world yet he acts like he has any sort of autonomy for a good part of the game while sometimes bashing on their culture, his romance with Ranok felt forced and too soon specially given his situation (and how Ranok treated him at first I will explain later) and the fact he continually forgives Vulgor despite him physically abuse him several times???  I cannot comprehend it.
Oh and of course the scene with Thryst was probably the worst in the entire vn, the fact Caelan wanted Thryst to understand the wolves, the race that literally enslaved his own and the reason why his life is so miserable left me speechless, I dont need to explain why this is such a huge red flag and how terrible this is.

Ranok wouldn't be that bad if he didn't goddamn lie to Mc about the slavery and debt part honestly that thing pissed me off so much it just made no sense, he sugarcoats most of the bad things about his village and tries to act like everything is fine when it ISNT. This is what I dont like about this vn the most, theres a lot of unecessary drama and parts that just didnt need to exist and feel like they were put in there just for the sake of shock which is really bad writing in my opinion.

Vulgor, oh my god, what is there to NOT say about him, this guy is a walking bomb and physically harrasses mc a lot of times, I was willing to let it pass but the fact it happens on multiple ocassions and mc just acts like nothing happened and keeps saying he is a good person?????? What the fuck??? Given how mc is a slave too it makes no fucking sense! Then Vulgor thinks why the fuck Verissa doesn't like him, holy shit his misogynistic comments are even worse, theres a difference between a grumpy character and a fucking asshole and the author just does not give good reasons to try and forgive Vulgor at all. If you want a bad character to be forgiven then give good reasons for the readers to do that, not more and more reasons to hate him, and NO! Making him hot and attractive and mc thirst for his own abuser in some scenes is NOT a reason to forgive him.

I could keep going but if you're still reading this you already got the point, this vn has so many unecessary racist remarks, I say this as a black man who felt extremely uncomfortable in some parts (So don't try to tell me I'm exaggerating when I say this vn is very racist sometimes), something I never felt with any other vn I read so far, I'm not here to compare vns and thats besides the point but I think if I feel more uncomfortable with this vn than a goddamn psychological horror one I feel like there is something really wrong here.

It makes me sad because I can see a clear potential in this vn, there is a lot of potential here but it gets hindered by a lot of racist, xenophobic, misogynistic and homophobic remarks. I'm not saying your vn cannot have these things if you're willing to treat them correctly by NOT romanticizing it, something that happens a lot here.

If you like this vn, good for you, I'm not saying you should stop reading it, I just wish the author would take my comment to reflect on somethings and do some changes that would be beneficial for this vn.